

學分綁學生 台灣高教輸在國際觀
現任瑞典林雪平大學榮譽教授、我行政院科技顧問趙光安。 圖/成大能源科技與策略研究中心提供
小國模式 人才在精不在多
重點發展 誰說非要進百大
五千教授 孵一半菁英就好
     歐洲學術泰斗 主持百億計畫

趙光安出生於四川,八歲時舉家由上海遷到高雄,現為瑞典籍。台大物理系畢業,赴美拿到固態物理博士,曾在IBM Watson研究中心工作,一九七一年底被當時的諾貝爾獎委員會主席Lundqvist延攬到瑞典,之後和多位物理大師合作學習。

as a reminder

from: http://vision.udn.com/storypage.jsp?f_ART_ID=1060



I guess it's the end of something, and I have to let go of my emotions and move on. So I've decided to leave them here.

I still remember vividly the day I got the message from Dennis Chen saying "no.5, not bad! Treat us something nice?"  Well, it's been two years now, and I am in the middle of my college life, with only two years left. Looking back, I have to say that I've achieve several things, but not quite enough to meet my expectation. Getting into the school tennis team is something that I didn't see coming, but I really have to put more effort into it and hopefully to improve my skill into another level. Not applying for an exchange program is a really hard decision to make, and I still think I should've given it a try every now and then. However, I know that I have something else to do which is even more challenging, and there's only that much time left. Schoolwork has been......not satisfying. I really think it's time to find the rhythm and show them and myself that I am capable of managing those work nicely, or getting into a graduate school in the US, Canada or Europe will just be another meaningless daydream which is never going to be fulfilled.

It may sound a bit cliche, but seeing you all doing well in various fields and different places in the world really helps me settle my mind and recharge myself for the challenges in the future semester. Spending time chatting and gossiping around with you all is truly happy and I couldn't help imagining what our future will be like. It's not just a fun time but a precious piece of memory which for sure will last a long time. 

Oops, that's too much time spent on memories and thoughts related. I'm gonna have to go back to loads of documents about an earthquake in 2006 near Pingtung and try to understand the environment there and the tectonics of the fault. It may sound interesting to you, but trust me, it's bloody difficult.



雖然我們都變了,大家臨時起意依然可以再相聚。下午幾通電話聯絡,三台車,近十人的麥當勞聚會在竹北不畏颱風大雨,真的很高興看見班遊時無法出現的妳你你,還有妳。還真是有點難以想像國中時的我們,現在已經是開車參加同學會了XD。雖然我仍是被嚴加看管專業採訪的幾個人之一,但若是真的要找一群人讓我傾訴,我想依然會是你們,'cause I trust you guys, I really do. 或許時間會改變很多東西,讓許多細節被淡忘,我們依然有很多方式能記錄每個當下,在二十年後的某間麥當勞裡,笑談這些美麗時光。






Just finished the book "The Defining Decade -- Why your twenties matter and how to make the most of them now".

Lots of thoughts in my mind and I think it's going to take a while for me to sort things out.

I once though that having a few close friends is more important than making many friends, but it turns out that having abundant weak ties is quite important as well. I once believed that meeting the right girl and getting married is something you can't plan ahead, but after reading some cases that the author had in her therapy sessions, I think otherwise.

I had never thought about things too far away in the future, but those things aren't actually distant. Go to graduate school, get a job and start my career, travel a lot, meet someone and get married......these are all probably going to (or should) happen in ten years. Shockingly surprised, I suddenly realized that my twenties are not something I can waste at all.

Getting a job sounds like something in the future, but it's not. The time I spent in NLSC as an intern serves as an alarm, showing me that there are still so many things for me to learn before I am ready. I am twenty, and I am certainly not a high school kid any more. "Identity crisis may still bothers you, but getting yourself some identity credits is something you should start thinking about." Twenties are like being in the shadow of a huge tree. People enjoy staying in the shadow and do whatever they like, not caring about the time. As the sun goes, the shadow moves away so quickly that we suddenly are exposed to the sunlight, and the real world outside. Getting ready, in all possible ways, is what people have to start planning for in their twenties.

Seldom do I think about life after my twenties. What would that be? How will my thirties, or even forties, look like? When contemplating these questions, I have this total blank in my mind which terrifies me a lot. So that’s the problem here. I don’t see or plan things after my twenties. I have this notion in my mind that my twenties should be full of adventures and fun memories. After that, there’s nothing. No scenario, no thought, no nothing. Some say being too goal-oriented may not be good, but how can I find the motivation I need or the direction I want to set foot on if I can’t picture my life by the end of my twenties? 

We always want a happy ending. Endings like those we’ve read in the novels. But happy endings don't just show up when the time comes. Preparation is needed. You must be more future-oriented. You can't write your life story from the last sentence to the beginning. Maybe you can when writing a novel, but that’s not how things work in real life.

Being a dreamer is a teenager thing. But in our twenties, it’s time to be a go-getter.

Time to draw my own unique picture in my mind.