This is not because you are simply unlucky or just happen to be so busy or something. It's the result of not being responsible for things that should be taking care of by yourself. You knew that you have to finish all these quite a while ago, yet you still leave them untouched till now. That's why you had a terribly depressed night and decided to cancel today's visit to two other companies and a government agency which are all closely related to the field of Geomatics.
I'm writing this down right now to make sure that you will learn something in this incident. You are a junior now and things you dreamed of are getting closer in front of you. It seems great; however, are you really ready for those challenges? So far, I don't think so. Having fun and enjoying life is wonderful and in my opinion, necessary. Yet, making plans and setting up schedule and finishing all the jobs on time is also your responsibility.
Being a REAL grown-up person is all about taking one's responsibilities. Remember that.
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